Mission statement

At Recliner-epairs, our mission is to keep you comfortable and stress-free by providing top-notch repair services for your electric recliner chairs, sofas, and beds. We are dedicated to delivering a same-day service, and we are always available for emergency call-outs to ensure that you never have to suffer in discomfort. With our expertise, we guarantee that your furniture will be in the best possible condition.

Our Team

Our team at recliner-repairs is made up of a bunch of laid-back, but highly skilled electric recliner chair repair experts who live for the thrill of fixing broken furniture and making our customers happy.

Jamie Morisson

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Annie Hofstadter

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We Love Happy Customers​

Our prompt and reliable service for electric recliner chairs, sofas, and beds, along with our expertise in repairing hospital beds, keeps our customers happy and comfortable.

Phone: 07867-062820

Email: ReclinerRepairNW@gmail.com

Address: Recliner Repairs

Sandmoor Place,



WA13 0LQ